Sneak Peek at our Current Bible Classes!
Wed. Night Adults (Glenn Gannon)
This will be a chapter by chapter study of Acts and will last as long as it takes to do justice to this very important part of our history. We will look at the markings of the kingdom Jesus built with Peter and the apostles opening its doors on the first day of Pentecost after the resurrection in Jerusalem as penned by Doctor Luke. This is a look at the pattern of the church as ordained by the Holy Spirit and bound by the apostles. We will see the church that resides in the hands of its Savior and cannot be defeated by the forces of Satan even though it is in its infancy. We will look at its mode of spread through the earth with the guidance of God’s Holy Spirit.
As we reveal this pattern, we should examine ourselves to assure we are a member of an organization that is an exact match. One that is built on the foundation that Jesus is the Christ the sacrificed Son of God who God raised from the dead and on the doctrine the apostles bound here on earth through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and this doctrine only.
Wed. Night Teens (Adam Warnes)
During this quarter on Wednesday nights for the Youth Class we will be studying through various Psalms. Our plan is to apply these Psalms to our modern day problems and blessings. After doing so we will make a pray out of that Psalm together as a class and then pray it together. We hope that this will help us accomplish 2 particular things;
1, this exercise will help us look at these Jewish poems in a much more applicable way. God’s word is not just meant to be read, but it is meant to change our lives.
2, this exercise will hopefully help us in our day to day prayer lives. So often it is easy to fall into repetition pray, but our times in class will help us learn to widen our scope on what we can, and should, pray about to God!
Sun. Morning Adult Bible Class (Todd McGraw/Jim Owens)
A study of Deuteronomy. What can we learn from this study that will help us serve God better today? We will see that God demanded that Israel be obedient and do things as he had commanded. Is it any different than us today? Hopefully we will understand the importance of following God’s commands.
Sun. Morning Teen Bible Class (Kent Ferrell)
This study is scheduled to learn how this book to the Hebrews applies to our life in today's world and how we can apply it. We also plan to carefully study the stern warnings to Christian's and their importance. This study will also be interspersed with important lessons on how we can positively influence Christian's and non-Christian's in today's complicated world. And, how we can remain strong in today's very material world.